
This is an administration section of the web site that is password protected. It is normally assigned to a person or administrator that would manage a web site's content without having to depend on writing html. It works using Cold Fusion (*.cfm), and ties into to the various modules that an administrator might need. This will allow the administer to have content entered directly into a predetermined set of fields, without any HTML knowledge.

An Intranet allows virtually unlimited amount of information that can be stream into a web site, where it would be streamed, and what type of media is to be streamed (audio, video, flash, and images). Depending on what modules a company selects, it could save a company time and money when updating the many web pages a site might have.

Each Intranet Webber Marketing builds has different levels of access for approval of content. This prevents streaming of content into the web site until the highest level approves of pending content. An example is where a secretary might key in information and an administrator logs into the Intranet, and sees "Pending Content". The editor would click on the "Pending Content", look at the content, edit/approve/or delete the content. Once it is approved, it will automatically be streamed into the site in real-time. This is what we call a Dynamic Web Site. To see some more information about other Intranet Services click here!

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